
Incertaincircumstances,writingwouldappeartoexistasthesuperiormodeofcommunication.Asignificantadvantageofwritingoverspeechisitspermanence ...,Learningtospeakappearstohappennaturallywithinthehome,whereaslearningtoreadandwriteisusuallyassociatedwiththebeginningofformalschooling.,由SAnderson著作·被引用5次—32)arguesthatwritingismorethanasimplerepresentationofspeechandisjustifiedbysomehashavingthesu...

'Writing is often thought to be superior to speech

In certain circumstances, writing would appear to exist as the superior mode of communication. A significant advantage of writing over speech is its permanence ...

Differences Between Writing and Speech

Learning to speak appears to happen naturally within the home, whereas learning to read and write is usually associated with the beginning of formal schooling.

Is speech really more important than writing? A study of ...

由 S Anderson 著作 · 被引用 5 次 — 32) argues that writing is more than a simple representation of speech and is justified by some has having the superior status, as the functional differences ...

Is talking really easier than writing?

Suspense and emotions can be conveyed through dramatic pauses or facial expressions while speaking, whereas in writing we need to use punctuation or other ...


Phonocentrism is the belief that sounds and speech are inherently superior to, or more primary than, written language or sign language.

Speaking versus Writing

One important difference between speaking and writing is that writing is usually more durable or permanent. When we speak, our words live for a few moments.

The Relation between Written and Spoken Language

由 W Chafe 著作 · 1987 · 被引用 657 次 — and rated as to whether the writing or the speaking was superior. It was found that by the first half of the fifth grade, pupils began to write better than ...

What is the difference between speech and writing? Which ...

2023年8月21日 — If you want to learn a language,in my opinion,speaking is more important than writing. I have learnt English for more than ten years,but I am ...

What's the Difference between Speech and Writing?

Of course, speech is spoken and heard, while writing is written and read. But there are many other differences: Age. Speech goes back to human beginnings, ...

Written Language as Being Superior to Speech

Written Language as Being Superior to Speech English language has two main features; it can be presented in a written form or in the form of speech.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
